Press Release: Basildon Pride achieves charity status

Basildon Pride are delighted to announce that after successfully achieving charitable status recently, yesterday we formally moved our operations to our new charitable organisation, Basildon Pride CIO. This change in status will allow us to grow the amazing programme we are already offering to residents of the Basildon Borough and beyond.

David Burton-Sampson, one of the founders of Basildon Pride and Chair of Trustees said:

“We are over the moon to have been able to achieve our charitable status in such a short space of time. Since holding Basildon Mini Pride in September 2018 we have quickly galvanised an incredible group of volunteers who have worked tirelessly to build Basildon Pride into what it is today. We look forward to continuing to drive greater inclusion, acceptance and understanding of the LGBT+ community within the Basildon Borough and beyond.”

Basildon Pride CIO’s Charitable Objects are:-

To promote equality and diversity for the public benefit and in particular the elimination
of discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation or gender identity by delivering an annual Basildon Pride Event and deliver Basildon Pride Everyday which creates a programme of awareness and support events and activities for the LGBT+ community and its allies throughout the year in order to eliminate discrimination and advance education and awareness in equality and diversity.

Basildon Pride CIO have agreed the following Charitable Purposes

  • To work with the LGBT+ community of The Basildon Borough and beyond and other interested stakeholders as well as statutory and community sector organisations to promote Basildon Pride as a lasting movement

  • To arrange, fundraise for and deliver an annual Basildon Pride Event; and

  • To fundraise for and deliver Basildon Pride Everyday which creates a programme of awareness and support events and activities for the LGBT+ community and its allies throughout the year

    Basildon Pride CIO is a registered charity with the Charity Commission for England and Wales – Registration Number 1193090


Press Release: Basildon Pride announces festival and parade